Kayak Fishing for Red Snapper | Navarre Kayak Fishing
Kayak Fishing for Red Snapper is an incredible experience that anglers along the Emerald Coast take advantage of year after year.
In 2018, Red Snapper season was only 40 days long and the fish were beyond plentiful!
We decided we would take the time to break down exactly what you need to catch a Red Snapper from the kayak in 2019.
Call (850)264-3957 if you’re interested in booking an Offshore Kayak Fishing Charter.
Did you know?
Red Snapper can live for over 20 years and are found in large numbers along the Gulf Coast.
The majority of fish are found offshore on various forms of structure but they can also be found in Pensacola Bay, FL.
The Florida state record is 46 lbs 8 oz and was caught near Destin, FL in 1985.
For additional information on Red Snapper visit FWC – Red Snapper.
How to catch them?
It’s simple, find them. (We will help in a second…)
Once you find structure, Red Snapper can be caught a variety of ways and the technique depends on the conditions.
Rough Conditions
If conditions are rough and the current is flowing quickly you will need to use lead to get your bait in the strike-zone.
But you don’t need to use several ounces of lead to catch a fish that’s in 60′ of water.
When the currents are heavy and the wind is ripping we use Circle Hook Jigs up to 1-ounce.
We attach the jig to 30 lb. Fluorocarbon using a non-slip mono loop knot.
For this method we prefer to use live bait.
Pinfish and small Cigar Minnows do a wonderful job.
Simply hook them in the tail and drop the jig over the school of fish and hang on tight.
The live bait does a great job of keeping the Triggerfish and smaller Red Snapper away.
Calm Conditions
Unfortunately, conditions can’t always be perfect but when they are we prefer to sight cast Red Snapper.
Wait, how do you sight cast a fish in 70′ of water?
It’s simple, you chum them up and pick the one you want to catch.
Typically, you can present a hook and a single piece of chum directly in front of the fish you prefer to catch.
This is a great method when attempting to avoid undersized Red Snapper or Triggerfish.
It’s in important to remember that the water is crystal clear and the fish can see you just as good as you can see them.
Don’t get carried away with the chum. It takes very little to get the fish interested and Kayak Fishing for Red Snapper is a blast!
Finding Structure
Catching Red Snapper is extremely easy and that’s one of the reasons the limits are so tightly regulated.
A good fish finder goes a long ways and if you buy a good one you won’t need to replace it!
In 2015, I strapped a Garmin EchoMap 74SV onto my kayak and off I went.
The machine is pricey and the model has been updated several times since.
Fortunately, I have had no need to upgrade and I am still using the original unit!
Side scan played a huge part in finding places that were loaded with Red Snapper.
Did it take a ton of time to locate them? Yes, but if you can find a “private” spot keep it to yourself.
It will continually produce Red Snapper for years. Be mindful of how many you keep from each location.
It’s going to take time but it’s worth the work and reward.
Public Structure
There’s a ton of public structure in the Gulf of Mexico.
These spots will get hit hard by recreational anglers and charter boats in the first few weeks of the season.
The following links will make it easy for you to input public numbers into your fish finder:
Pensacola Public Fishing Reefs
Offshore Kayak Fishing Checklist
Kayak Fishing for Red Snapper | Navarre Kayak Fishing
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