Monthly Fishing Report – July
Who’s ready to catch a ton of fish this July? Read the rest of our Monthly Fishing Report – July and give us a call to Book Your Adventure!
The Speckled Trout bite has been great following the full moon and should continue throughout the month.
If you’re looking to catch a quick limit of Speckled Trout, now is the time.
There have been a ton of healthy Redfish cruising the flats at first light and we haven’t had any issues getting them to eat.
Clients from all over the country have had success on our Inshore Kayak Fishing Charters and always come back for more.
The weather has been all over the place and we haven’t been able to spend as much time offshore as we had hoped for so far this year.
However, Red Snapper season is still open and we will be off the beach several times in the next week.
Offshore Kayak Fishing Charters are always a blast!
Don’t wait until the last minute to schedule your trip, openings fill quickly.
Monthly Fishing Report | Navarre Kayak Fishing
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