Monthly Fishing Report – September
Who’s ready to catch a ton of fish in September? Read the rest of our Monthly Fishing Report – September and give us a call to Book Your Adventure!
September is an incredible month along the Emerald Coast.
The Speckled Trout will begin chasing Mullet, the Redfish will begin to school, and the Flounder will start to migrate.
We start off throwing topwater at first light looking for Redfish and Trout.
As the sunrises we transition to soft plastics and start sight fishing.
The King Mackerel bite is amazing throughout September and provides anglers from across the country with an entirely new experience.
September also brings a variety of Pelagics into the beach providing the best chances to land Blackfin Tuna, Mahi-Mahi, and Sailfish.
We head off the beach at first light, catch live bait, and troll a variety of depths looking for the fish of a lifetime.
Don’t wait until the last minute to schedule your trip, openings fill quickly.
Monthly Fishing Report | Navarre Kayak Fishing
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