Monthly Fishing Report – October
Who’s ready to catch a ton of fish in October? Read the rest of our Monthly Fishing Report – October and give us a call to Book Your Adventure!
October is one of the best months to go kayak fishing along the Emerald Coast.
The water temperatures are dropping, the Flounder are on the move, the Trout are flooding the flats, and the Redfish are crushing topwater.
October provides anglers from all over the country their best chance at completing an Inshore Slam.
What’s an Inshore Grand Slam? It varies throughout the country, but here in Northwest Florida it involves catching three species; Redfish, Speckled Trout, and Flounder.
Checkout “The Inshore Grand Slam.”
The King Mackerel bite was amazing throughout September and will remain fantastic going into October.
There have been a variety of Pelagics caught the past few weeks, October provides the best chance to land Blackfin Tuna, Mahi-Mahi, and Sailfish.
We head off the beach at first light, catch live bait, and troll a variety of depths looking for the fish of a lifetime.
After trolling, we stop and spend a few minutes catching Triggerfish and Red Snapper.
Triggerfish is open throughout October and is delicious!
Book Your Adventure!
October is one of our busiest months, the weather is perfect, and the fish are biting.
Openings fill quickly, don’t wait to call.
Monthly Fishing Report | Navarre Kayak Fishing
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